Poster Presentation (Short Paper Presentation)
Accepted poster presentation will be published in the Series Posterproceedings "Advances in Data Mining". The maximum size of a long paper is 15 pages in Springer LNCS format. Colour illustrations are not possible. We recommend you to consider carefully the reviewers comments in the preparation of your final manuscript.
The layout instruction are according the lncs formatting rules. It is especially important that you carefully follow the author's instructions provided by Springer for formatting your paper. Please look here for author's instructions.. Do not squeeze your paper to fit the restriction in size by changing the formatting rules.
The camera ready copy of the paper should be sent as zip file and include pdf-file, source files as doc- or latex-files,copy-rigth form and authors.txt. Please note that papers will not be published unless at least one of the authors has registered for the conference at that time.
Look at the checklist, one level above, to know what files have to be submitted in one zip-file. CRC file means camera-ready-copy file. Zip your file and name your paper as poster_paper followed by
After you have submit everything, please prepare your poster for presentation at the conference. The poster size is 90 x 90 cm. You will find a board with your paper number at the conference site where you should place your poster before your poster session.
Authors who have been accepted for more than one papers have to pay the same registration fee for every single paper! For easier reference, remember to indicate your manuscript by numbers.
We remark that if for any reason the author who registered cannot attend ICDM, the registration fee will not be refunded. The proceedings volume will, of course, be sent to his/her address.