Best Paper Award 2016
The Winner
Data Mining in Medicine: Relationship of Scoliotic spine curvature to the movement sequence of lateral bending positions
Athena Jalalian, Francis E. H. Tay, and Gabriel Liu
Data Mining in Medicine: Relationship of Scoliotic spine curvature to the movement sequence of lateral bending positions
Athena Jalalian, Francis E. H. Tay, and Gabriel Liu
Induction of Model Trees for Predicting BOD in River Water: A Data Mining Perspective
J Alamelu Mangai, Bharat B Gulyani
PHM: Mining Periodic High-Utility Itemsets
Philippe Fournier-Viger , Jerry Chun-Wei Lin , Quang-Huy Duong , Thu-Lan Dam
Best Paper Award
Sculpture "Everything is possible"